Whoa the first part of summer flew by! We’d like to enjoy this last bit to the fullest and continue to revel in the sunshine, the sand and the lack of routines. Therefore, a cheerful grouping of links is what you’ll find below. From the best grocery-store vanilla ice creams for your stone fruit pies to a few fun and helpful household tasks that even babies can perform, these stories will put smile on your face. Even during those moments when you realize it’s time to start prepping for sweaters, pencils and late-night lunch packing.
Source: Jennifer Weiner Facebook
Did you know Jennifer Weiner (“In Her Shoes”) wrote a children’s novel last year?
Source: Tasting Table
For your summer pies; vanilla ice cream rankings.
Source: The Zoe Report
Sephora is about to become even dreamier.
Source: Urban Outfitters
A quirky find to get them into gardening.
Source: The Montessori Notebook
“Chores” for every age (psst … they might be doing some of them already).