My baby boy Connor is now 7 months old, 16+ lbs., and thriving!! A murmur was detected by his pediatrician at 1 month. We did our due diligence and saw a cardiologist. He was misdiagnosed because the true defect wasn’t yet presenting itself. He struggled to gain weight and finally at 13 weeks was admitted for observation. In the emergency department, he was seen by a cardiac specialist who diagnosed Aortopulomary Window or AP Window – a very rare congenital defect (less than 1% of congenital defects). Lucky/unlucky for Connor it could be resolved with a fix but required open-heart surgery, heart-lung bypass, etc… terrifying for all CHD parents. He was barely 8 lbs. at 3 months. The surgery went well and closed the opening between his aorta and the pulmonary artery that was allowing 50% of his oxygenated blood to flow back to his lungs (pulmonary hypertension). This would’ve led to congestive heart failure, but thanks to our pediatrician, some parental instinct, and the amazing Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, he’s alive today. He’s a fighter just like all the other cardiac kids out there. He loves his Mets Wubbie too, we’re excited for the CHD one! Please check out our video about Connor!