Presley Mae Phillips was born on August 26, 2019. We unexpectedly lost her on October 26th, 2019. We never saw it coming. We thought we were taking her into the Emergency Room for a virus that was causing poor feedings. We later found out she suffered from Cor Triatrium Sinister. When we left the hospital that night we had no idea the love and outpouring of support that would follow. We were lifted up by family, friends, and people we had not talked to in ages. Doctors, nurses, and other staff from our delivery and the night we lost her came to show their love for Presley and their support for us.
In December 2019 I found out I was pregnant with our third child. Because of our history with Presley, we were given the best prenatal care and our little boy was well looked after. For our delivery, the same doctor who delivered Presley was there as well as the same nurse.
My delivery nurse, Joy was also there the night I was in the pediatric unit, and Presley coded. When the code rang through the hospital people came from everywhere. She was the one face I recognized and she caught me in her arms as I collapsed in tears.
Though our struggle and story with CHD were short, Presley relit a light inside of us that was slowly burning out. She taught us how to love again through the outpouring of support we were given by those we love and strangers. She showed us all the good that still lives in this world.